Everyone Has Reversals

Story Lessons, Big and Small (Warning: Spoilers!)

November 19, 2005

Cute Meet Cute

The "cute meet" (or "meet cute", depending on your sources) in Hitch is pretty darn cute.

For those not in the know, the cute meet is the moment in a romantic comedy in which the lovebirds meet. That moment needs to do a lot of things. First, it needs to show a spark between the two. We need to buy the chemistry instantly. This moment also generally shows us, simultaneously, how these two people are perfect for each other, as well as why they won't truly be able to be together for a while.

In Hitch, the cute meet has Will Smith and Eva Mendes coyly agreeing on why they'll be better off without each other, and why they should both just go their separate ways. In other words, instead of the flirting or sparring we'd expect from a moment like this, we have the characters pushing each other away.

It's perfect for the characters, in that they're both uber control freaks who recognize that dating is a kind of game, and they're both skilled players. They're destined to be together... and yet this moment also shows us they can't possibly be together yet, because, well, they're playing a game. Will's going to need to relinquish his seduction techniques, and Eva's going to have to allow herself to get close to someone.

The moment clearly establishes the characters' chemistry as well as their flaws. But while it does all that, it's also sexy.

Let's not forget about sexy, okay?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked this movie way more than I thought I would and I think part of it is it's soooo refreshing to have the two leads in a RC actually be hot and have chemistry. When was the last time that happened? I think we have to go back to the previous century for that.

And I really appreciated how Will's character was a true romantic. It was all about the possibility of falling in love rather than just getting laid. And that despite how cool and collected he was, the more he fell for Eva's character, the more goofy and awkward he became (just like real life, folks!!).

9:55 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just reserved a book at the library (picking it up tomorrow) Writing The Romantic Comedy by Billy Mernit. Still an area where I like to indulge in...thanks for giving me the heads up on your blog. I'm going to enjoy it here

3:07 p.m.  
Blogger Jennica said...

You won't be sorry, Moviequill. I find the book so useful in terms of structure that I use it as a resource even when I'm writing in a different genre!

3:18 p.m.  

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