Everyone Has Reversals

Story Lessons, Big and Small (Warning: Spoilers!)

February 24, 2007

More on the "They Wouldn't..." Factor

As Oscar years go, it's hard to get excited.

One of the Best Picture noms is Babel. An almost aggressively adequate movie. It doesn't have the urgency or unity of a Syriana, the reversals of a Traffic, or the divisive quality of a Crash. But it remains very watchable. And one of the reasons is its use of the "They Wouldn't..." factor.

Movies are agreements. Generally, we understand what we have agreed to going in. When we go to a comedy, we know that no one will really get hurt. In horrors, lots of people will get hurt-- but not the hero. When we see a drama, we know characters are going to experience discomfort and even pain, but that may be what's needed for that character to be transformed and emerge in a better place.

Basically, we agree that it'll be fair.

But sometimes a movie refuses to play fair. We don't know exactly what we've agreed to going in. The movie doesn't promise to, say, protect innocents and children. Such is the case with all of the above ensemble dramas as well as Babel.

Babel makes good use of "They Wouldn't...". In particular, it encourages its audience to think: "They wouldn't really let those kids die of thirst in the middle of nowhere, would they?" and "They wouldn't really let that damaged Japanese girl have sex with that cop, would they?" among other worries.

But anything seems possible. We're set up from the get-go that it's a world where things just aren't fair. It's not fair that the tourist got shot. It's not fair that the kid who shot her (by accident; he's a kid) is going to pay and pay. It's not fair that the housekeeper is put in the position of looking after her charges or attending her son's wedding. It's not fair that it's so hard for the deaf girl to make human connections. None of it is fair, so you just don't know how far the movie will go.

Keep it in mind. Sometimes it's nice to feel like truly anything could happen.



Blogger deepstructure said...


it's even nicer when those moments are actually paid off - something that didn't really happen in babel. add that it's interminably long and it's a viewing experience i wouldn't care to repeat. earnest, yes, but a bit of an endurance test for me.

what i enjoyed most was the other kind of "oh no they didn't..." moment - those that go against the typical american film social mores: the incestuous relationships, the showing of full frontal nudity of a minor, the casual attitude towards gunfire and driving after drinking, drug use among teenagers. these are subjects and situations you won't find in most mainstream american films. that was refreshing - it's just a pity it didn't add up to much.

4:49 p.m.  
Blogger Patrick J. Rodio said...

Good points. I thought it had great moments, but didn't hold together well at all.

9:04 p.m.  
Blogger Jennica said...

Deepstructure, great points-- I did appreciate those "they wouldn'ts" as well.

1:43 p.m.  

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